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How to generate cpanel full backup with remote ftp server

Generate a full backup with as  remote ftp server , this tutorial help you if you want to stored backup on the remote server and you can use the backup for restoration website.

So ,If you have a remote ftp account and want to generate a full backup  to the remote ftp server , this is the tutorial for you.  also this tutorial help you cPanel to cPanel data transfer because cPanel comes with remote FTP.

  • Log into Cpanel
  • Clicked Backups Option
  • Clicked ‘Download or Generate a full website backup’ option

Picture 1 :

cPanel X - Backups 2014-11-21 02-55-44

Picture 2 :

cPanel X - Full Backup 2014-11-21 03-01-51

  • Select ‘Remote FTP Server’ in backup destination
  • Enter the ftp hostname Or Ip Address the Remote Server
  • Enter the ftp username as the remote user
  • Enter the ftp password as the remote password
  • Enter 21 for the port
  • Enter / as the remote directory
  •  Click on ‘Generate Backup’ option

thats it , after complete the backup a notification will be sent your email address . time depends on your data size .  Backups file will be  .tar.gz format and can easily be restored to any cpanel server.

cPanel to cPanel web site backup transfer :  Just use your default cpanel user name and password as FTP user name and password .


Jobair Alam Bipul

I'm Jobair Alam, a cPanel Certified WHM/cPanel server administrator and web hosting expert with over 10 years of experience in the industry.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. kaoser


    Please update & easy solution

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