How to change cPanel password using SSH

How to change cPanel password using SSH:

1. Login to your server as root via SSH.

2. Execute the following script from the command line.

Replace [username] with the cPanel user name of the domain & [password] with the new password.

/scripts/chpass [username] [password]

If you are facing this error, please use the following command and reset. (more…)

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How To Install Install ConfigServer Security & Firewall

ConfigServer Firewall & Security is  a Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) firewall, Login/Intrusion Detection and Security application for Linux servers. The scripts provides lot of features Please go to

How To Install Install ConfigServer Security & Firewall for Cpanel :

rm -fv csf.tgz
tar -xzf csf.tgz
cd csf

Remove installation files: (more…)

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How To Install ConfigServer Mail Queues

ConfigServer Mail Queues is a free add-on product for cPanel/WHM. The product provides you with a full featured interface to the cPanel exim email queues from within WHM.  Its help Deleting bounce emails , Deleting frozen , Determining why inbound or outbound email delivery is failing & more ..

How To Install ConfigServer Mail Queues:

rm -fv cmq.tgz
tar -xzf cmq.tgz
cd cmq

Now ,
Login to WHM and scroll to the bottom of the left hand menu and you should see “ConfigServer Mail Queues”

Remove installation files:

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How to Install cPanel On CentOS

cPanel is a graphical web-based control panel that helps you quickly and easily manage your website and hosting account. cPanel software gives you complete control over a vast amount of functions, streamlining useful processes.

Installation Prerequisites:

  •     A fresh and running VPS or dedicated CentOS 6.5 server.
  •     A minimum of 384MB RAM.
  •     A Minimum 20GB of free disk space required for cPanel installation.
  •     A cPanel license.

Installing cPanel & WHM:

You must have Perl installed on your server before you can run the installation script for cPanel & WHM. You can install Perl using either yum or up2date. (more…)

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