How to generate cpanel full backup with remote ftp server

Generate a full backup with as  remote ftp server , this tutorial help you if you want to stored backup on the remote server and you can use the backup for restoration website.

So ,If you have a remote ftp account and want to generate a full backup  to the remote ftp server , this is the tutorial for you.  also this tutorial help you cPanel to cPanel data transfer because cPanel comes with remote FTP. (more…)

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How to Enable cPanel/WHM Root and SSH Login Email Alerts

Secure your server by enable WHM root & SSH login email alerts , its very important security concern for server to protect the server from unknown login attempts. Every time you will notify via email with every login attempts.

We can do this by configuring the CSF so make sure you have CSF installed on the server, you can read the tutorial how to install CSF

Lets start ,
Step-1 : Login to WHM control panel and Go to:

Home >> Plugins >> ConfigServer Security & Firewall


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How to create private nameservers on LogicBoxes panel

How to create private nameservers on LogicBoxes panel , To create private name servers  its very important for a reseller or hosting provider . beginners really want to create private name server badly .
The tutorials will help who use LogicBoxes control panel . specially  Resell biz , Resellerclub are providing the control panel .

Its very simple , just we need to complete two steps. one is Add child name server and another add “A” record in cPanel.

Step 1 : log in your domain control panel And go to your domain manage area . search a options “Child Name Servers” the click on “Child Name Servers”
How to create private nameservers (more…)

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