How to install ConfigServer Explorer on cPanel server

ConfigServer Explorer provides you with a full featured Filesystem ,  Functions for files and directories:

  • Copy
  • Delete
  • Rename
  • Move
  • CHMOD (change permissions)
  • CHOWN (change ownership)

ConfigServer Explorer

How to install ConfigServer Explorer on cPanel server

Open a Shell Terminal (e.g. PuTTY) and SSH to your server. Run the following commands:


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How to Install nginx on cPanel server

Nginx is a web server , Web server software  deal with  web pages in response to browser requests. Nginx work on high concurrency, performance and low memory usage. It can also act as a reverse proxy server for HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, POP3, and IMAP protocols.

Now you can use Nginx on cPanel server , there is a plugins named ” Nginx Admin ” Or Nginx cP .

How to Install nginx on cPanel server


How to Install nginx on cPanel server?

How TO Install Nginx Admin :


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How to increase memory limit in WordPress

Increasing the memory limit in WordPress sometimes its really important to run website  , because hosting provider set default memory limit is lower. the reason your website will not load properly or web site getting memory limit error. then you must need Increase the memory limit .

how to increase memory limit in wordpress

Let start , we can Increase memory limit by four method , you can follow any one .

1. Increase memory limit via php.ini

If you have to access php.ini then you can easily set the limit . please login your cpanel then go to file manager and find php.ini file & change the line in php.ini If your line shows 32M try 64M:


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How To Active Cpanel License After Trail

After  successful installation of cPanel  , you will receive a 15-day free trial to ensure cPanel software features and functionality meets their needs. The trial license will automatically expire after 15-days of successful installation. some times even after you buy the license it keep showing the Trail license Message:

Trial License This copy of cPanel
WHM is for trial use and will expire at the end of the trial period. You will need to upgrade to a paid copy of cPanel & WHM to continue using the software after that period.


don’t worry , it can be solve by using a simple commend , (more…)

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