How To Install Install ConfigServer Security & Firewall

ConfigServer Firewall & Security is  a Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) firewall, Login/Intrusion Detection and Security application for Linux servers. The scripts provides lot of features Please go to

How To Install Install ConfigServer Security & Firewall for Cpanel :

rm -fv csf.tgz
tar -xzf csf.tgz
cd csf

Remove installation files: (more…)

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How To Install ConfigServer Mail Queues

ConfigServer Mail Queues is a free add-on product for cPanel/WHM. The product provides you with a full featured interface to the cPanel exim email queues from within WHM.  Its help Deleting bounce emails , Deleting frozen , Determining why inbound or outbound email delivery is failing & more ..

How To Install ConfigServer Mail Queues:

rm -fv cmq.tgz
tar -xzf cmq.tgz
cd cmq

Now ,
Login to WHM and scroll to the bottom of the left hand menu and you should see “ConfigServer Mail Queues”

Remove installation files:

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how to install webuzo on vps

What Is Webuzo ?
Webuzo is a Single User Control Panel which helps users deploy Web Apps (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc) or System Apps (Apache, NGINX, PHP, Java, MongoDB, etc) on their virtual machines or in the Cloud. Webuzo enables you to focus more on using applications rather than maintaining them. Webuzo is also available in the form of Virtual Appliances.

  • Newly installed CentOS 5.x / 6.x or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.x / 6.x or Scientific Linux 5.x / 6.x (x86 or x86_64) / Ubuntu LTS
    YUM / apt-get / tar / wget packages installed
    RAM – Minimum 512 MB (Recommended 1GB for best performance)
    Disk Space – Minimum 5GB (Recommended 10GB for best performance)

Note : There should be no PHP, Apache, MySQL installed on the server


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