How to Add a WordPress Admin User to Your Database with PHP
In the world of development, there come moments when you find yourself in need of a new administrative user for…
In the world of development, there come moments when you find yourself in need of a new administrative user for…
Edit the following file to configure PHP parameters: nano /usr/local/lsws/lsphp74/etc/php/7.4/litespeed/php.ini LSPHP 7.4 as example. If you are using a different…
Symptoms Applications are unable to access the MySQL database and report the following error: [3118] Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost'.…
How To Remove Malware From WordPress Website
A good number of people use WordPress websites on a daily basis for blogging or simply to read blogger’s posts. This makes it very easy for them to get malware infections into their computers if the sites are infected. Removing malware from WordPress is very important if you have a blog. This is because it protects your PC and other devices you use to access the blog from malware. Apart from this, it protects all your users from malware that might be on your site.
Most people are not aware of how to go about removing malware from their WordPress websites.This is understandable because most people who use these websites do not have a lot of experience in removing malware since anyone has access to WordPress websites.
How to secure your WordPress Website in a few steps
WordPress is regarded as the most popular content management system around the online world. Developed with the help of PHP and powered by the commonly implemented MySQL databases, it continues to be used by an astonishing 8.5% of websites around the Internet. Website cracking and malware delivered through websites are becoming a common phenomenon. Moreover, with such a large volume of web content implementing WordPress as the popular CMS, any form of secret vulnerability in its coding or framework could lead to millions of websites getting affected.
Website cracking and malware delivered through websites are becoming a common phenomenon. Moreover, with such a large volume of web content implementing WordPress as the popular CMS, any form of secret vulnerability in its coding or framework could lead to millions of websites getting affected.
Here are nine of the best tips that will help protect your WordPress website from cracking and malware, and not necessarily require you to have deep knowledge of security. (more…)
How to speed up your WordPress Website in a few simple steps
WordPress is an excellent platform for creating web pages. Each day, more and more websites are using WordPress, but unfortunately – there seems to be a little flaw: a website made in WordPress can in some cases be extremely slow to load. Therefore, before creating a WordPress website you need to take certain steps in order to speed up the website and avoid losing visitors and potential customers due to their impatience.
Why is the speed of the website important?
You’ve probably heard about this already, but when a visitor comes to your website for the first time, you’re only left with a few seconds to grab his attention and make him realize that it’s worth staying on the website. If you’ve been doing business online, then you are well aware of branding, good structure and page layout, highlighting the important things and all other crucial things that are needed in order to keep the visitors on the website.