How to fix MySQL ‘username’@’localhost’. Account is locked.
Symptoms Applications are unable to access the MySQL database and report the following error: [3118] Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost'.…
Symptoms Applications are unable to access the MySQL database and report the following error: [3118] Access denied for user 'username'@'localhost'.…
You will need to remove mod_ruid2 & install mod_suexec Remove mod_ruid2 : yum remove ea-apache24-mod_ruid2 Install mod_suexec : yum install…
You receive one of the following errors when attempting to use cPanel >> Python Selector or NodeJS Selector: Apache Passenger…
You can check hostname by inspecting the content of /etc/hostname file using the command: cat /etc/hostname In order to change…
How to disable the Network Manager service. The Network Manager service automates the network's settings and disrupts connections to the…
Using the sar command inside your Server from the command line will allow you to view history of server loads.…